“Children and elders, middlers and teens
Singles and doubles, and in-betweens
Strong eighty-fivers and streetwise sixteens,
We are a part of the family
Greeters and shoppers longtime and new
Nobody here has a claim on a pew
And whether we’re many or only a few
We are a part of the family
At Plymouth church, our children and youth aren’t the future, they are our present. Our community is called to love and to nurture all young people on their journeys of faith discovery. Knowing that children learn and grow through every experience, we strive to include our young folks in every aspect of our shared life. We believe that parents are their child’s first and most important faith teachers and we are always ready to support one another in wrestling with the big questions. As they say, it takes a village (or a church) after all! Whether you’re looking for a new church family to raise your first child with, or you’re just passing through between soccer and baseball seasons, you will find a warm welcome and a fun, meaningful time of faith discovery for the whole family here at The Plymouth Church.
Youth Ministry
Youth ministry at Plymouth is all about Community. You can know the Bible back to front and observe every holiday, but you can’t be a Christian by yourself. “Love your neighbor as yourself” means we need each other. God calls us to learn how to recognize God’s face and God’s love, in the faces that surround us and the love we have for one another. With weekly youth group, annual Service Learning Trips, and biannual Confirmation class, we learn to work together as a community grounded in the love of God.
Youth Group
Youth Group is place you belong just because you showed up. Together, we ask the hard questions, stretch our hearts to fit more of God’s love, and learn to make space for one another in community. We go on adventures looking for God in unexpected places and we laugh till we burst at the seams. Youth Group is for youth in grades 6-12.
New York City Service Learning Trip
Intergenerational Community
Almost every part of our society today is rigidly separated by age, except church! Plymouth is a place where our children and elders learn and grow together, forming intergenerational friendships for life. Throughout the year we mark our holidays, and explore our world with programs designed to bring the whole community together across age and family structure.
Children's Sunday
Safe Church Policy
The Plymouth Church in Framingham is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which members, their children, friends, staff, and volunteers can worship and work together in an atmosphere that is safe - both physically and psychologically - and free of exploitation or intimidation. We strive to provide a welcoming environment in which each and every person in our congregation feels valued. Our congregation’s health and safety is a key aspect of our culture of caring. This is especially true for the children and youth entrusted to our care. We comply with the principles set forth by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security of Massachusetts. We are certified to request and review criminal background checks, Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI), for all staff and lay volunteer positions. For a complete copy of our Safe Church Manual, including forms and philosophy, please contact our Church Office.
Raising children to be faithful followers, moral decision makers, and conscientious citizens is a tall order; especially these days! The following are some resources that we find helpful and draw on frequently. Here, you’ll find a mix of secular and religious resources grounded in progressive christian values.
Book Recommendations: Kid’s books that we love covering everything from kid’s Bibles, to death and dying, healthy relationships, social justice issues and more!
Hand-in-Hand Parenting: A fabulous blog, forum, and online community created by therapists for parents seeking to raise their children with compassion and acceptance.
Gender Spectrum: Chances are, you or your child know someone who is transgender or gender expansive, and chances are you have questions. Gender Spectrum is both the place to start and to go deep on what gender is, how our kids understand themselves, and how to be an affirming supportive parent.
Spark House: This is the publisher of our Sunday Morning Faith Workshop Curricula. Look here for supplemental materials to use at home like music CDs and kid’s prayer books!