We are proud to host a variety of community organizations. On any given day, at any given time, we are delighted by the sounds of friends gathering, songs being shared, of service offered, and new insight gained.


PLYMOUTH HOUSE NURSERY SCHOOL, started in 1959, is a non-religious, quality preschool that provides an atmosphere that encourages social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth and development of the whole child. www.plymouthhousenurseryschool.com

Framingham Together consists of over 40 community organizations that stand in solidarity against racism and discrimination of any kind and look to create and foster an inclusive community for all. Our vision is to be the pre-eminent MetroWest Organization that coalesces around diversity, equity, and inclusion and promotes and supports these ideals across the public and private sectors.


Both BOY SCOUTS & CUB SCOUTS offer camping, canoeing, hiking, biking, and other adventures while allowing the scouts to learn self reliance and leadership. www.troopwebhost.org/Troop12Framingham


Several GIRL SCOUT TROOPS meet at the church. Cookies, campfires, and crafts are part of the journey, but changing the world is the destination! www.gsema.org


WAYSIDE YOUTH & FAMILY SUPPORT NETWORK frequently hosts trainings and events for their staff. Wayside offers a wide array of services for children, young adults and families. www.waysideyouth.org


SOUTH MIDDLESEX OPPORTUNITIES COUNCIL seeks to improve the quality of life of low-income and disadvantaged individuals and families. www.smoc.org

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MUSIC TOGETHER enriches the lives of children and their families through research based curriculum taught with love. They offer early childhood music & movement classes for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and the grownups who love them. www.loulousmusictogether.com