Faith Workshop & Family Schedule
Junior Choir is our youngest choir for new singers. Contact Leslie Dooley for more information. They sing next in worship on Sunday, March 16.
Click here to review the Junior Choir schedule
Chapel Choir is for middle and high school youth. They sing next in worship on Sunday, March 30.
Click here to review the Chapel Choir schedule
Lent: Preparing for Easter
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and lasts six weeks. Check out this weekly Family Lenten Devotional. Gather your family once-a-week to reflect on the story of Jesus’ journey from Mount Tabor to Jerusalem.
Some parts of the Easter story are hard. Holy Week involves betrayal, desertion, and death. But also love, loyalty, and ultimately the good news that life wins over death. Sharing the story with kids asks us adults to think carefully about how much of the story we share and in what way. Several years ago Christine V. Hides offered this guidance.
End of the Year
The last Faith Workshop will happen on Sunday, June 8, as we celebrate Pentecost!
Prayer Ground
The Prayer Ground is a designated space for our children to worship. All the supplies we offer are meant to facilitate worship. A little more space to move. Some activities to keep our hands busy. A front row seat to better observe what’s happening on the Chancel.
We ask that parents be with their children on the Prayer Ground. When it’s time to sing a song, sing it together. When it’s time for the scripture passage, find the passage in the Spark Bible or the Pew Bible and follow along.
This is not a time for kids to play with their friends. This is a time to be worshipping, praying... in a space that’s more comfortable than the pews. You’ll notice that the things we’ve provided you are not toys to play with in a group. They are fidgets and things you can do on your own. This is all so you can be prayerful, respectful of others worshipping around you, and comfortable at church.
If you bring a toy to church - which is totally cool and something you can absolutely do - during worship is not the time to show your friends. And, when it’s time to go to Faith Workshop, we ask that you leave your toys with your parents. You can pick them up afterward for Coffee Hour.
And parents, after worship, we ask that you go find your kid in the classroom downstairs so you can come to Coffee Hour together!
Read our Q&A for more information.