Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. We strive to make our liturgy open and as accessible as possible to all. All are welcome to join us, no matter how young or how old, and no matter where you are on life’s journey

Worship is live-streamed to our YouTube Channel. You can watch upcoming and past worship services right from home! Though, we believe there is a unique power to being in person. When you’re ready, and if you’re able, we hope you’ll make the leap of faith to join us in person soon.

“Serve all in truth, in compassion and in grace.”

VIDEO: How to Connect to Our YouTube Channel

Click on the video (left) for step-by-step instructions on how to connect to our YouTube channel and view our live and pre-recorded posts.


 Our church strives to be accessible to all persons of all abilities. All places in our building are wheelchair accessible. Single-stall, gender neutral bathrooms are located on each level, though not all are fully accessible. In our Sanctuary, we have open spaces for wheelchairs included among the pews. We offer large-print worship bulletins for those with low vision. We are still learning to better serve guests who are deaf or hard of hearing, and we are working to offer ASL interpretation each week. During Holy Communion, the bread we share is allergen-free — no eggs, gluten, dairy, or nuts.

Faith Discovery

We love children of all ages and stages! Children are welcome to stay with their families throughout the worship service. They are also invited to join our Faith Workshop classes (i.e. Sunday School) which takes place during a worship. Learn more about our Family Ministries.


The Plymouth Church recognizes two sacraments: Baptism and Communion. Both sacred rituals are open and available to all persons. To learn about baptism, please contact one of our ministers. We celebrate Communion the first Sunday of every month. Our table is open to all persons, all ages and stages, all faiths and beliefs.


Membership indicates that you are ready to support the work of this church with your prayers, presence, service, and financial support. We offer “classes” periodically for you to learn more and ask questions. Those who are ready to join are invited, during worship, to read our founding covenant together with the congregation. If you have questions about membership, please chat with our Pastors or one of our Deacons at any time.


Located off a corner of our parking lot, tucked just into the woods, our Labyrinth is open to the public. It is a quiet place of dappled sunlight and soft breezes. We invite everyone to take in its mystery with a silent, meditative walk. For full details, photos, and a guide to its use, visit our Labyrinth page.

Wise. Kind. More useful.

As a church gathered by God, open to everyone, following the way of Jesus, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, we grow wiser and kinder, and more useful to the healing and repair of society.

WISDOM teaches us how to hold a calm, non-anxious presence, how to choose with intention the less reactive path, and to act from our values. Wisdom is less about intellect or information and more about understanding. Wisdom is maturity.

KINDNESS means we care for our neighbor, for the “other,” with a preferential love for those with less power and less agency — those cast out and left behind. We accompany. Kindness is a soft heart.

MORE USEFUL requires courage to enter the difficult places and hard conversations offering the wisdom of God and the kindness of Christ. We build meaningful, mutual partnerships with others so that when called we are already trusted companions on the journey. We show up.