God prepares each person for a church, and a church for each person. We believe God brings us together.
All are free.
All are invited to participate.
Religious communities are one of the last intergenerational spaces where children, teenagers, adults, and elders share in common purpose. We believe that parenting is a rewarding, but challenging, ministry; so we seek to support parents as best we can.
Prayer Group
Every Tuesday morning, at 11:00, the Prayer Team comes together to pray for the concerns of the members of this church either expressed during the Sunday service, or those sent directly to us.
““ Your word is a lamp for my feet, and a light on my path.”
Psalm 119:105”
Women’s Fellowship
Women's Fellowship is open to all the women of The Plymouth Church. This group meets several times each year to discuss various programming and to plan events. Planning meetings are generally held in January, June, and October, when the business of the group is discussed, the budget is reviewed, and votes are taken on new events/ideas and the election officers. All members and friends of The Plymouth Church are encouraged to bring us ideas they have for programming. Annual events traditionally sponsored by Women's Fellowship are:
Soup and Bake Sale (twice a year)
The Spring Program (formerly, the "Spring Tea")
The Plant/Bake/Rummage Sale (late April/early May)
Women's Fellowship also supports the Children's Ministry with Trunk-or-Treat, in October, and the Easter Egg Hunt, on Easter Sunday.
Early Birds
Early Birds is an informal, low-key group of folks that meets every Wednesday, at 7:00 a.m., at CJ’s Northside Grille in Nobscot for breakfast, fellowship, and lively discussions (sometimes) on a very wide range of topics. No preparation required - just bring yourself and a willingness to share your thoughts, exchange your ideas, and tell of your own experiences. All are invited and welcome. Currently, it’s people with current (or former) connections to Plymouth Church, and a few “outside” visitors enter the mix from time to time. It is a very nice way to start the day, and is generally breaking up around 8:00 a.m., so that those who work can join in as well.
Bible Study
Bible Study meets in the Library on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 7:30-8:30 p.m. All are welcome to join.